The Right to Go Insane
My life has not been easy… and it has definitely been getting harder. There is not a great place to start this essay… I could bitch about how my father was an absentee dead beat… but that’s just not who I am. I choose not to go gently into that good night; clawing at my casket. It is the righteous thing to do to get back up after one has fallen… and I have… again and again, like the sun that rises and falls each day.
I could sum my life up like this: I have stepped out of Plato’s cave. Now, being a sane man in an insane society, surely like a heretic in the 14th century, I deserve to be locked up… but I know the truth. I am as sane as the rest of the world…
When I was nineteen, I had my first psychotic break… the word psychotic is such a nasty word, and I am not a nasty person… I know the truth.
In other words, I have been deemed defective by a society madder than a hatter. As a species, we like to think that we are much more civilized in the modern world… I know the truth: we are not. I could sum up the society I live in like this; it is one that markets things as vulgar as pornography to children. These people are actually sick and should be locked away.
There are two ways to tell who a person really is. The first way is to give them a fortune… The second way is to take away everything. I was born disgusting rich, and I still am, but I never cared for money… hence the writing ha ha. I valued relationships… and I lost nearly all them after being deemed defective. Thank God… I know who my real friends are.
Past and present, I have been forced to take an injection against my will. Four-hundred milligrams of Abilify, to be exact. The name Abilify is such a pleasant word, but the drug is not a pleasant one. It is as if someone were to rape your mind. My only crime is that I see the world differently and trying to explain this to people is like trying to write a book without an outline… No matter, I have done that before.
For a society to function, we need people who do not. We need to look at someone else as if they should have left their marbles in the jar, when all of us have very few to begin with.
There are two ways to view reality, and only one way that one should. The first is that everything happens by chance. This is a grim reality that deprives people of the spirit. The second is that everything happens for a reason; like slapping the religious in the face and asking them, “what did you do to deserve that?”. This is a useless reality that leaves people docile. I chose the reality where everything happens for a reason, when the only way to function in the world is through both realities… Some things are completely meaningless while others are not. The truth is both realities have just as much merit as the other… and thinking that everything happens by chance is an easier path.
Once you are deemed defective, you can never be deemed sane again… it is truly like being a black dot in the middle of a white canvas. People are quick to realize that you are the black dot. It is easier for them to do so, living in their own world of delusions.
I didn’t know how sane I was until I started looking past myself… realizing that nobody knows anything. We are sent to an earth with no recollection of where we were before our birth and no knowledge of where we will be going after our death. On top of all that, death is inevitable, and we find ourselves doing the strangest things to keep our minds occupied by something other than our inevitable death. As long as you don’t impede on anybody’s freewill, what is the problem with what you do with your life? Even when it is different.
My life is like a pantomime where I know what is right and it is as if everyone else in my life does not. It should be a crime for the system we all trust to rape the minds of people like me against their will. I pose no threat to anybody. I live by simple morals to which the world does not live by. Mostly because people who are insecure with their beliefs have the need to force them onto others. I am forced to take medication against my will. This would drive anyone insane; I should have the right to go insane.